This is how colleagues describe Brooke Weborg, machine learning data scientist and engineer at NASA. Weborg was nominated as Digital Transformer of the Month for her work on the AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine learning) consultation portal, the type of ambitious project that computer scientist Herb Schilling had seen fail in the past. ā€œSome of these things that you try to do just get bogged down in people saying no. But [Brooke] was never fazed by that at allā€¦she just went ahead with it.ā€ Reflecting on what makes Weborg a Digital Transformer, Schilling says, ā€œA big part of digital transformation is communication, and sheā€™s just a really good communicator.ā€Ā Ā Ā 

Although Weborg grew up near the Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, she did not envision a career at NASA until college, where she studied computer science and engineering. Her professor Brent Nowlin, who still currently works at Glenn Research Center, encouraged her to apply for a Pathways internship, which she began in 2017. When considering how her educational background has led her to where she is today, Weborg says, ā€œWhat I learned in college was that I really liked the algorithm portion of computer science. I enjoy puzzles and I feel Iā€™m very much a middleman when it comes to projectsā€¦I love machine learning because itā€™s kind of this middle process of figuring out the intricacies of the model.ā€ Her focus on the ā€œmiddleā€ also comes through in how she describes the AI/ML consultation portal as a bridge, connecting the knowledge gap between users and experts at NASA.Ā Ā Ā 

Brooke Weborg

Brooke Weborg

NASA Machine Learning Data Scientist and Engineer

Weborgā€™s idea for the portal stemmed from a need she noticed in her own work. ā€œI was struggling to find projects that were truly ready to begin the ML modeling and exploratory data analysis process. I found myself bouncing between projects because I ended up doing a lot of consulting and feasibility work for them versus actually getting to create machine learning models.ā€ To properly prepare for the modeling process, many teams would have benefitted from expert support during the experiment design phase to ensure proper data collection and sampling. Weborg envisioned a way to support data scientists and machine learning engineers by providing relevant projects while ensuring those projects get the necessary assistance for leveraging AI/ML solutions.Ā Ā 

The first successful use case, the CH2ARGE project, initially reached out to Weborg for a consultation in fall 2023, before the portal officially launched. What began as project proposal support has led to Weborgā€™s current role on the CH2ARGE team doing exploratory data analysis and investigating potential AI/ML use cases for cryogenic material and fuel cell data. This initiated what would become the AI/ML consultation portal.Ā Ā Ā 

With support from Herb Schilling, data scientist Douglas Trent, and intern Eva Ternovska, the AI/ML consultation portal launched on April 9, 2024. Although the portal started small, it gained significant traction during an agency-wide AI upskilling initiative, with over 230 people attending Weborgā€™s presentation on using the AI/ML Portal and becoming an advisor. ā€œHow weā€™re measuring success right now is how many advisors are we getting to sign up, which is showing that experts see the vision and realize its importance to our mission,ā€ says Weborg. Since its launch, the portal has doubled capacity in just two months, going from 10 to 21 advisors across NASA with regular inquiries for new advisor sign-ups.Ā Ā 

Dave Salvagnini, NASAā€™s Chief AI Officer, sees Weborg and the AI Portal as drivers of intellectual curiosity around AI and its possibilities. ā€œShe has fostered a movement that gives learners a place to seek expert advice about their AI ideas and use cases,ā€ says Salvagnini. ā€œThe AI portal is quickly becoming a key AI enabler at NASA.ā€ The portal has already led to seven successful use cases for machine learning and AI solutions by connecting talent across the different centers, highlighting Weborgā€™s commitment to inclusive teaming.Ā Ā Ā 

As a fearless pursuer of big ideas, Weborg was unsurprisingly excited for the future of digital transformation at NASA. ā€œWeā€™re entering a new era of discovery with all these AI/ML tools that are at our disposal, which is really cool. Iā€™m excited to see how my work is going to impact that.ā€Ā Ā Ā 

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Space and Astronomy News
Author: Space and Astronomy News

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