The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has released two new videos from the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge. The Challenge centres on the need to support healthcare needs of astronauts in space and remote communities on Earth.

There are three stages to Deep Space Healthcare Challenge.

  • Stage 1: Concept – Teams will design a novel detection or diagnostic technology concept, and provide a detailed explanation of how it meets the Challenge goals. The top submissions will be selected to move on to Stage 2.
  • Stage 2: Proof-of-concept – Semi-finalists selected from Stage 1 will develop a proof-of-concept that they will independently test in a lab environment. Semi-finalists will submit data from their lab tests for evaluation at the end of this Stage. Those who are successful in this stage will move on as Finalists in Stage 3.
  • Stage 3: Prototype Demonstration – Finalists in Stage 3 will refine their designs, with the ultimate goal of testing their prototype in a simulated environment established by the CSA. The top design will be selected as the Grand Prize Winner for the Deep Space Healthcare Challenge.

In May 2022 the Canadian Space Agency selected 20 semi-finalists. Then in April 2023 five teams were selected as finalists.

  • Applications MD – EZResus, a mobile application for resuscitation that supports people in the field.
  • – AI-powered Solution for Dermatology for Primary Care Practices in Remote Communities.
  • Neursantys Inc. – NEURVESTA: Remote management of neurovestibular and sensorimotor disruptions.
  • Luxsonic – ieVRt Cardiac
  • Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii) – Development of an Autonomous and Tele-operable Medical Robot for Ultra Rapid Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Cancers and Other Needlescopic Interventions

The first new video is from Applications MD.

The second new video is from Luxsonic.

Should the CSA release videos from the other three finalists, we’ll add them here.

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Author: Space and Astronomy News

Maybe later